ALLTION AC-2000 Series Colposcope is based on AC-1000 series platform with has sold hundreds of units worldwide. It is a combination of classic aesthetics and moderm technology.
The brand-new Colposcope with fashionable, dynamic and elegant curves is designed by Mr. Zhang Xun who won following awards:
2007 RED DOT concept design award: Best of Best
2008 RED DOT concept design award
2009 IF product design award gold
Aprochromatic Optic Design
3-Step Magnification and/or Single Magnification
LED illumination for Long Life & Low Cost
1080P Full HD real-time outoupt module
Two Optical Circles for Quick Measuring Size of Tissue
Integrated Green Filter
Compact,Light Weight Base with Wheels for Easily Maneuver
Ergonomic Design for Long Time Precision Operation Comfortably
Completely Assembled and Ready to Use
1. Total magnification 3.75x, 7.5x, 15x for 3-step models and 7.5x for single magnification models
2.300mm focal length
3. Field of View: 79mm, 39mm, 19mm dia. For 3-step magnification models and 39mm for single
Magnification models
4. Depth Field: 4.5mm, 1.13mm, 0.76mm for 3 step magnification models and 1.13mm for single
Magnification models
5. Light intensity: > 30, 000 LUX
6. Individually adjustable eyepiece 16.7x
7. Right eyepiece with built-in two circles for you to measure the size of the problem you see
8. Built-in rheostat for brightness adjustment
9. 1080P FULL HD Real-time output module
10. User-selectable built-in green filter for enhanced contrast
11. LED buib is easily changeable
12. Working Height 950mm to 1250mm
13. Fine focus adjustment Handles
14. Two ( Gross / Fine ) height adjustment Handles
15. Unit is completely assembled and ready for use once power is on
16. Main Power Suppy: 100V to 240V for 3-step magnification models and 1.13mm for single magnification models
Item and specification sugject to change, please contact ALLTION for current production information.

Subject to changes in design and scope of delivery and as a result of ongoing technical development.