ALLTION provides professional microscopes for wide range of medical specialties: Dentistry, ENT surgery, Gynecology, Orthopedics, Hand surgery, Neurosurgery, Andrology and Urology, Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, Veterinary surgery etc.
ALLTION is proud to offer YSX series of operation microscopes. Precise structure, new type of appearance and LED illumination system, offer you excellent parfocal, large field view, precise and clear three dimensional images. YSX series of operation microscopes have different working distance and magnification and suitable for the department of ophthalmology, stomatology, gynaecology, ENT and surgery.
Items and specification subject to change, please contact ALLTION for current product information.
Table of Specification for YSX series Operation Microscopes:
YSX-101 LED: Straight binocular head/ YSX-102: 45°inclined binocular head
1500mm Super long pantograph arm offers wider operation space
Different working distance objectives: f=200mm, f=250mm